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Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


Automatic problem in your car
Based on the results of analysis of customer problems, try to reproduce the symptoms. If the problem is the transmission can not move into a higher gear, move to the lower teeth, or teeth removal point is too high or too low, do the following road test adjusted with automatic shifting schedule and simulate symptoms of the problem.
NOTE:Test the temperature of ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) 50ТА to 80 ТАC (122ТА up to 176 ТАF) in normal operation.
A.Testing the position of D
Move to position D, stepped on the accelerator pedal fully and check the following points.
i.Check up-shift work.
Check that the up-shift from one gear to the gear-to-2, the teeth of the 2nd to 3rd gear and 3rd gear to 4th gear in place, and that the point of removal of teeth in accordance with the schedule shift automatically ..
Prevention Control Gear Up-to-4 shift
.Engine coolant temperature is lower than 60 ТАC (140 ТАF)..ATF temperature lower than 10 ТАC (50 ТАF).
Lock-up Control Prevention Dental to-4
.Brake pedal is pressed..Free accelerator pedal..Engine coolant temperature is lower than 60 ТАC (140 ТАF).
ii.Check the shocks shift and slippage.
Check the shocks and skid when upshifting from 1st gear to 2nd gear, 2nd gear to 3rd gear and 3rd gear to 4th gear.
iii.Check of abnormal noise and vibration.
Check for abnormal noise and vibration than when upshifting from 1st gear to 2nd gear, 2nd gear to 3rd gear and 3rd gear to 4th gear for driving the shift lever in position D, and also check during driving in a position lockups.
INSTRUCTIONS:The cause of abnormal noise and vibration must be checked thoroughly because it can also be caused by kelihilangan balance in the part-part, such as the differential and torque converter.
iv.Check the kick-down work.
Check the vehicle speed at the time of the kick-down of the tooth to the tooth-2 ke1, 3rd gear to 2nd gear, 4th gear to 3rd gear, kick-down during the ride with the shift lever is in position D Ensure that any speed within the speed range of vehicles used in accordance with the schedule shift automatically.

v.Check the abnormal shock and slip during the kick-down.
vi.Check the lock-up mechanism.
.Run the vehicle at the D position (4th gear) at a constant speed (lock-up ON) with a speed of about 60 km / h (37 mph).
.Press the accelerator pedal slowly and check that the engine speed does not change abruptly.
INSTRUCTIONS:.Here there is no lock-up function in the tooth to-1, the 2nd and 3rd gear in position D..If at this position all of a sudden increase in accordance engine rpm, no lock-ups occur.
B.Testing position 3
Move to position 3, stepped on the accelerator pedal fully and check the following points:
i.Check how the transmission control switch.
During driving in D position (4th gear), geder shift lever to position 3, and check that occurs down-shift from gear to 4th to 3rd gear in place.
ii.Check up-shift work.
Check that there is an up-shift from one gear to the gear-to-2, the teeth of the 2nd to 3rd gear, and that the point of removal of teeth in accordance with the schedule shift automatically.
INSTRUCTIONS:Here does not occur up-shift from gear to 3rd to 4th gear in position 3.
iii.Check the braking by the engine.
During driving at position 3 and 3rd gear, release the accelerator pedal and check the engine braking effect.
C.Testing position 2
Move to position 2 and stepped on the accelerator pedal fully and check the following points.
i.Check up-shift work.
Check that there is an up-shift from one gear to the gear-to-2, and whether the point of tooth removal tooth removal in accordance with the schedule automatically.
INSTRUCTIONS:Here there is no lock-up function in position 2.
ii.Check the braking by the engine.
During driving at position 2 and the 2nd gear, release the accelerator pedal and check the engine braking effect.
iii.Check of abnormal noise during acceleration and deceleration, and check also from shock during the up-shift and down-shift.
D.Testing the position of L
Move to the L position, stepped on the accelerator pedal fully and check the following points.
i.Check that there is no up-shift.
During the ride in the L position, check that this position does not occur up-shift into 2nd gear.
ii.Check the braking by the engine.
During the ride to the L position, release the accelerator pedal and check the engine braking effect.
iii.Check of abnormal noise during acceleration and deceleration.
E.Testing the position of R
Move to the R position, stepped on the accelerator pedal fully and check the skid.
WARNING:Before doing this test, ensure that the testing area free of people and obstructions.
F.Testing the position P
Stop the vehicle on the incline (over 5ТА), and after moving to the position of P, release the parking brake. Check that the vehicle is not moving.

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